Extraordinary onboarding

Jenny Luo
Growth Associate


A company is also nothing without a culture that empowers its employees to learn, develop, and grow. 这种文化始于你的入职过程.

But what does that process look like? And how do you make it extraordinary?


What is onboarding?

Every online resource will tell you that employee onboarding is an integration process. A series of events that helps new recruits get up to speed and become productive in their roles.


员工入职是公司文化的体现. It’s more than an integration process. It’s an immersive experience. And done right, an unforgettable one too.

At Sana, we want our company to be a place where people do their life’s work. 一个你想在这里度过整个职业生涯的地方. Onboarding is key to achieving that goal. 这是我们为公司定下基调和目标的地方. It’s how we prove that we are who we said we were during all the interviews. And crucially, it’s how we give every team member the tools and knowledge they need to achieve our mission.


非凡入职体验的秘密 Hint: it’s not about the SWAG.


Start immediately

At Sana, the onboarding experience begins as soon as the signature ink is dry. Even if there are months to wait before the first day, we want to create that mutual excitement.

I remember my experience vividly.

签合同后几天, 我收到一封CEO发来的邮件,把我介绍给整个公司. 几秒钟之内,欢迎的回复如潮水般涌来, and my soon-to-be colleague Sofie had already scheduled a virtual coffee for the following week. 我从来没有被未来的球队看到过.

The welcome email is a pre-boarding ritual at Sana. 它给每个参与其中的人带来欢乐和兴奋. 当然,可能很难在组织范围内扩展到一定的公司规模之外. 但你可以让它在团队层面上发挥作用. Whatever the solution, your ultimate goal is simple: show your new recruit how wanted they are.

Invite them over

还有很多其他的方法可以让人们加入你的行列. We like to invite new hires to a lunch or Friday demo a few weeks before their start date. 这些活动可以是面对面的,也可以是远程的,完全是自愿的. 但新加入的人几乎都同意,我们很高兴他们这么做. It helps us break the ice, which usually makes the first day more relaxed — because familiar faces are around.

除了登机前的活动,我们还分享登机前的材料. 在“期待什么”邮件中,我们解释了第一周会发生什么. And we also link to our company handbook, The Infinite Game, 哪些生活在Sana平台作为个性化课程. Again, taking this course in advance is entirely voluntary — all new joiners take it on their first day regardless. But some folks feel more confident with a little forward prep, so we provide it.

Day One

这是你和他们期待已久的一天. Every minute of it counts!

Be the concierge

For those starting at Sana HQ, 每个新员工的经理都会和奥利维亚一起等在门口, our Chief of Staff. The coffee flows, the office tour begins, and then the equipment gets set up. 解决了这些基本问题后,是时候进行第一个1:1的管理了. 建立这种关系至关重要,所以为什么要等待呢?

Up the energy

我们喜欢在第一天保持高节奏. 任何时候都不应该让新员工不知道该做什么. 我们想要营造一种有点忙碌但又充满活力的氛围. 如果是星期一,我们就把他们直接送到全勤. 然后我们接着进行一些核心课程——公司文化和价值观, led by our CEO Joel, and intro sessions with all team leads. There’s a welcome lunch, which we usually cook ourselves in the kitchen (and it’s usually pasta – pasta is a Sanian special), 还有参加无限游戏课程的机会.

“What I liked most about the Sana onboarding was that I felt part of the whole company, not just my team. Meeting all the team leads and hearing about their long-term goals and daily activities—that really gave me the full picture.” — Axel Danielsson, Summer Intern

And yes, there is also SWAG.

The first 2 weeks

Help them get a quick win

雄心勃勃的新员工想要产生影响. 你的工作就是尽快为他们创造这样的机会. That means striking a balance between onboarding training and regular work. 不管你给了什么任务,一定要承认付出的努力. Share the kudos publicly. The sooner your new recruit feels that sense of accomplishment, the more confidence they’ll have.

Ask them to tell a lie

Introducing new hires to the rest of the team should be fun and personable. In our weekly All-Hands, every new starter shares a ‘two truths and a lie’ about themselves. Everyone enjoys making guesses — which option seems too detailed to be true? 哪一个看起来太傻了,或者太普通了? 让新员工更容易分享他们的兴趣和背景. It helps to grow connections, and feel comfortable – so they can start delivering.

Get them into the product

在Sana,所有新员工在加入后的X天内测试整个产品. We do this for two reasons: (1) cement our commitment to user empathy and (2) build psychological safety. 通过鼓励新Sanians以用户的身份体验产品, everyone has a safe space to question it. 他们了解到我们欢迎挑战、重构和令人兴奋的想法. This helps us show that we value the expertise they bring to the table right from day one. 他们将体验我们的反馈结构, and understand how fast we run with brilliant new ideas from our talented people.


Make it social

Onboarding isn’t only about training. 在萨那,我们在第一周的日历上预先安排了大量的1:1. They’re short—15-minutes long. Just enough time to break the ice without the pressure to keep the conversation going. And we always run company-wide speed friending, spurred on with fun prompts and silly questions. This isn’t about building skills; it’s about building bonds.

“During my first few weeks at Sana, I learned not just how work happens here but why—the bigger picture around Sana's mission, vision, and shared values. It would have been quick and easy for Sana to only onboard me onto my specific role, team, and function... but it felt like Sana took the time to personally invest in me as a human who might have something to bring to every team.”—Katie Kirsch, Summer Intern


完整的入职培训计划通常持续两周左右. These are some of our favorite sessions:

The first 3 months

Extend the rope

只有在你不断增加责任的情况下,90天计划才会奏效. By the end of that stretch, your new joiner should be owning something end to end. 我们认为这是一个渐进和迭代的过程.

Start with the smallest possible task on day 2, then check in 3 hours later. 在第三天增加一点范围,并在一天结束前复习. This is how you extend the rope.

“Extending the rope isn’t just about them; it’s also about you. 你雇佣了这个人来接替你的部分职责. That means learning to let go.” —Olivia Elf, Chief of Staff at Sana


Build cross-team connections

当您扩展绳索时,请考虑任务如何帮助集成. For example, could the exercise involve collaborating with someone on another team?

说到团队,把你的新成员变成他们自己的团队. If you have 3-5 starting on the same day, help them form a tight crew as soon as possible. 让他们一起安排一个有趣的活动. The faster these people connect, the more they will be able to trust and support each other.

Prepare them for change

跨团队关系对于快速发展的公司尤为重要. At Sana, we work with the DiBB framework. Working this way allows us to make bold bets, based on data, insight, and beliefs. To pull off those bold bets, we sometimes need to make radical changes, and quickly. In practice, that means Sanians might move teams, or their team might change its focus.

让我们的团队与公司目标保持一致需要信任和适应能力. Change can be hard, so it’s important that we communicate as early as possible how normal it is at Sana, 以及对他们和公司有什么积极的好处. 如果新员工知道改变是积极的, 并在入职期间建立大量的跨团队联系, 当时机成熟时,他们会更愿意做出改变.

Let them shape your company

You hired these people to make your company better. 但新员工可能会担心冒犯别人. To help them overcome the barrier, ask them to change something about how the company works. The point here is permission — show them change is welcome and appreciated.

Keep up the tempo

When you’re starting somewhere new, there’s nothing worse than having nothing to do. Our list of activities might sound long. 但是,根据我们的经验,新员工都很饥渴,所以我们敢于超额安排. We stay on top of it by maintaining 15, 30, 60, and 90-day activity checklists.

There are no hard rules for onboarding. Not really. Because every company is different. What matters is that you create an experience that’s true to your culture, valuable for your new hires, and fun for everyone involved.


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